Since we have a few new categories in the current Revit 2022, there is a small Dynamo script today with which you can export the model categories including the BuiltIn names and IDs. These are also used for the Classification manager or for the Assembly identifier used.
The Dynamo script is actually very simple and uses the Clockwork package:
The result is an Excel file with three columns:
- BuiltIn Name (i.e. the name that Revit uses internally, e.g. OST_Walls)
- Category ID
- Visible (localized) name
I ran the script once in German and once in English Revit to get both the English and the German designations. You can download both my list and the script here:
Hello Leyla.
I'm an IT manager in the customer data area (to put it crudely) at Schindler (elevators, escalators). we just had an intense discussion about categories.
We stumbled across the category "Vertical Circulation" and saw that it includes elevators and escalators. But we also saw that ramps and stairs can also be included.
What we don't understand is that elevators and normal stairs are compatible in the same category.
In IFC we use IFC transport element, which is closer to our idea than the first subdivision.
In our opinion, elevators and escalators deserve a separate category as an important automatic transportation element.
Could you explain to us what the background is to the decision or suggestion to put these things in one category?
Would be great if we could start a little discussion to develop an understanding.
Thank you very much
Stefan Stappen