Edit Revit assembly identifiers

Assembly identifiers are a good way of classifying the Revit model. By default, a uniform classification file is delivered with Revit, which is read in as a text file. However, this text file can also be edited if required, for example to map other classifications.

The easiest way to edit the text file is in Excel: The file consists of 4 columns:

  1. Column: Key figure
  2. Column: Description
  3. Hierarchy level: the hierarchy of the entry is defined here starting with 1, so KG 300 according to DIN276 has hierarchy level 1, all KG 3×0 have hierarchy level 2, KG 3xx has hierarchy level 3
  4. The internal Revit category ID must be entered in the fourth column. This can be read out quite easily with Dynamo:You can download the exported Excel list here. 

The edited Excel file then simply needs to be saved again as a tab-delimited text file and can then be integrated into Revit.

Integration of the assembly identifiers in Revit:

Incidentally, the assembly codes according to DIN276 can be downloaded here become.

Once the new classification has been linked, it can be found in the type properties of the individual elements under Assembly identifier available.
This allows the model to be prepared for quantity takeoff and the corresponding cost group to be assigned to the components in the project template.


  1. Hello,
    That's great! You can create a component list in Revit that only contains KG331 walls, for example.
    Is it also possible to use Dynamo to transfer only the area of walls that have the assembly code 331, for example, from Revit to Excel using Dynamo? You could then, as described above, mark all walls in the template file and then create a cost estimate quite quickly with Dynamo and Excel after creating the model for KG300.

    Thank you very much!

  2. Hello Lejla and Arslan,

    Very good and helpful website. I have a question about the assembly code list... I have downloaded the list, but I am still missing some cost groups, namely the 500 outdoor facilities and 600 furnishings and works of art. Would it be possible for you to add to this list? I evaluate my models automatically to read the quantities in a cost planning program....

    Greetings Martin Schouwink (from the Netherlands)

  3. hello Leijla,
    I used your DIN276.txt (very useful!) to translate into English for Kostenberechnung, and added some categories that are project-specific to us. I copied category ID numbers from uniformat txt. However, when loading into Rvt, I receive warnings I don't know how to fix. Any ideas? Thanks

    Error message element

    Cannot understand classification line: 311.1 Removal topsoil new building area 4 -2001260
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.2 Removal topsoil driving and parking area 4 -2001260
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.4 Excavation deep foundations 4 -2001340
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.4 Excavation shallow foundations 4 -2001340
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.5 Excavation individual/column foundations 4 -2001340
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.6 Removal and disposal of excavated soil 4 -2001260
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.7 Excavation lifting platforms 4 -2001340
    Cannot understand classification line: 311.8 Excavation basement 4 -2001300
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.1.1 Strip footings (facade) 5 -2001300
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.1.2 Footings for columns 5 -2001300
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.1.3 Foundations for lifting platforms 5 -2001300
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.2.1 GF open exterior parking foundation slab on-grade 5 -2000032
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.2.2 GF building foundation slab on-grade 5 -2000032
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.2.3 Basement foundation slab on-grade 5 -2000032
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.3 Underslab insulation 4 -2000032
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.4 Underslab drainage 4 -2001160
    Cannot understand classification line: 322.9 Foundations drainage, other 4 -2001160
    Cannot understand classification line: 332.1 Sandwich panel 4 -2000011
    Cannot understand classification line: 332.2 Curtain wall 4 -2000011
    Cannot understand classification line: 332.3 Metal screen facade 4 -2000014
    Cannot understand classification line: 332.4 Metal louver facade 4 -2000014
    Cannot understand classification line: 343.1 Vertical elements 4 -2001330
    Cannot understand classification line: 343.1.1 Columns - concrete 5 -2001330
    Cannot understand classification line: 343.1.2 Columns - steel 5 -2001330
    Cannot understand classification line: 343.2 Horizontal elements 4 -2001320
    Cannot understand classification line: 343.2.1 Beam - concrete 5 -2001320
    Cannot understand classification line: 343.2.2 Beams - steel 5 -2001320

    1. Hi, this is just a guess, but I think . are not supported - did you try without (only numbers and eventually spaces)?

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