I already reported a while ago on the possibilities of assembly indicators and a customized classification file: Edit Revit assembly identifiers
Unfortunately, an assembly indicator can only be assigned to one element type at a time - multiple selection of different types is not possible. However, Autodesk provides another tool that not only allows the selection of multiple elements, but can also describe any parameter - we are talking about the classification manager, which here can be downloaded free of charge.
In Revit, the plug-in is available after installation under BIM Interoperability Tools to find:
Under Configuration the supplied databases can be displayed and selected:
Once the database has been selected, the Assign The classification can be assigned to one or more components at once.
By clicking on the download arrow, a copy of the database can also be downloaded and customized if required.
Creation of a user-defined database
The template for creating your own classifications can be found under the following path after installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2021\Resources\Classification Manager Database Custom.xlsx
The first worksheet contains brief instructions, summarizing the most important points:
- The classification manager can either fill existing parameters or create its own shared parameters
- To create shared parameters, the line from the shared parameter file is transferred to the Parameters copied:
- Separate spreadsheets are available for classification depending on the type:
- Contacts/ Facility for information at project level (under project information)
- Spaces for information on rooms and zones
- Products for information at element level
To create a DIN 276 classification, we use the worksheet Products. As the table structure is very similar to the assembly indicators (see the article mentioned at the beginning), we can also simply copy the main part here. The first cells, which are highlighted in white, can be filled in yourself.
You can also download the finished Excel file here download.
One last note - under Options you can specify whether only empty parameters should be written or whether existing values should be replaced:
Simple classification according to ÖNORM B-1801 with the classification manager: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4eah9b7ztdwi4n4fr760p/Classification-Manager-Database-OENORM-B1801_kurz.xlsx?dl=0&rlkey=2vblac47876pw1lhe4kz98km7
Many thanks for the addition Mr. Zechner
How can you assign several Revit categories to a cost group in the DIN276 classification? e.g. 334 External wall openings are doors on the one hand but also windows.
Thanks for the contribution. Can the classification, e.g. that of DIN 276, also be written to the IFC file?