Many workflows can be mapped with Forge - from a simple viewer, which is freely configurable and can be integrated on any website, to various evaluations and complex processes and database connections, everything is possible. You often read that Forge requires "full-stack web developer" skills - sounds daunting at first, doesn't it? In this article, I summarize my experiences as a computer-enthusiastic architect and hobby web designer!
What does fullstack actually mean? This is basically the collective term for frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and backend (node.js, express, etc.) technologies.
Of course, it makes no sense to start completely clueless with Forge beginner tutorials, because that could have a pretty high potential for frustration - but with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and above all an interest in delving deeper, it is quite feasible.
In addition to detailed tutorials at the Autodesk Forge team also regularly organizes "Online Bootcamps", which are a guided tour through these tutorials and also have enough time for questions.
In all tutorials and also at the bootcamp, you usually have the choice between different scripting languages, above all Node.js and .NET - as a beginner, you are sometimes at the beginning and not sure where to start. A basic understanding of JavaScript is a very good prerequisite for Node.js and, in my opinion, the best choice for anyone who can't decide and hasn't worked with .NET before.
The next bootcamp will take place next week as a pre-event for Autodesk University:
The event is free of charge and lasts 4 days, from Tuesday, September 13 to Friday, September 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The days are divided thematically so that they build on each other, but deal with different topics:
Day 1: Setting up the Forge Viewer, which can be used to upload and display models directly
Day 2: Access to models in the Autodesk Construction Cloud / BIM 360
Day 3: Customizing the viewer and adding dashboards
Day 4: Editing / creating models with Design Automation
If you can't attend live, you can also access the recordings of the last bootcamps: Forge Online Bootcamp - Spring 2022 Edition - YouTube
In any case, I think that programming is becoming increasingly important in our industry and that basic knowledge in this area can make a lot of things easier. Of course, we don't all become developers - but I keep noticing how difficult communication between developers and engineers is - not only do we speak different languages and quite often talk past each other, but we often overlook possibilities and opportunities due to our specialization, which sometimes almost becomes "tunnel vision". How do you see it?
I've been working with Forge myself for a while now and will be sharing one or two practical examples with you here soon! But first, I'll see you at the bootcamp next week, right? 😉
By the way, if you are looking for a good introduction to web development or would like to refresh your knowledge, I can highly recommend this online course:
Hi Leila
I have uploaded two models here:
And only now have I noticed that they are now publicly accessible. Could you please delete them again? Thank you,