10 years of BIM me UP! 🎈

Exactly 10 years ago today, I published the first blog post under the name To BIM or not to BIM I was still an architect at the time and worked in an office where Revit had just been introduced. I loved the concept straight away and read everything I could find on the subject of BIM. At that time, there was still very little material in German and this blog was intended as a kind of public notebook in which I shared my thoughts as well as tips and tricks.

10 years later, I'm now sitting here, have my absolute dream job (which I could never have dreamed of!) and get to test the new features in Revit 2023 and document them for you! πŸ€“
Why am I telling you this? No, not to show off (most of you probably have a different idea of your dream job anyway) - but because I want to give you something today:

Unfortunately, I keep finding that the concept of "sharing knowledge" doesn't work quite as well in German-speaking countries - even though there are more and more exceptions, many still believe they have to "hold on to" their knowledge in order to protect their own market value. From personal experience, I can only say that the opposite has happened for me: through this blog I have met great people and received some exciting job offers. I can say without a doubt that I wouldn't be where I am today without this blog!

Have the courage to do what you enjoy and don't do things by halves. Stay curious and exchange ideas with others - you never stop learning. As Steve Jobs said so well: STAY HUNGRY. STAY FOOLISH.

Many thanks to you all - and here's to the next 10 years! πŸ™‚

  1. Hi Lejla, congratulations on the 10 years! Thanks for your blog and everything you write on the BIM blog. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great Lejla, I am also active in this topic professionally and privately and find this whole blog and what has become of it super interesting and exactly these thoughts I also had (protecting knowledge and not wanting to share) is actually out of place in relation to BIM!


  3. Hello Lejla,

    I am currently still a student and have only been working with Revit and BIM for a few weeks. I found you via your YouTube channel and find your contributions incredibly inspiring. I'm working on the introduction of Revit in our user experience department (i.e. interior design) during my internship semester and face new and interesting challenges every day.
    I hope that in 10 years I will have a good understanding of Revit and all its functions, like you, so that I can advance Revit in the field of interior design and furnishing. πŸ˜€ Until then, however, there are still so many functions of the software for me to discover. πŸ˜€
    Best regards


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