Hello 2023!

I hope you had a great holiday and had a good start to 2023! I had 3 weeks off, including almost 10 days in the Canary Islands - and came back with a heavy heart due to the perfect weather and the average 28°! I also took some serious photos again after a long time, here are a few of my highlights:


However, I am also looking forward to a new year and many exciting topics - this year I will be focusing more on the topics of life cycle assessment, forge and general challenges and change management in the digital transformation.

What are your topics for 2023?

As a prelude and for inspiration, below is a short video by one of our Forge experts on the topic of "Extracting Sustainability Data" with the Forge APIs. Basically, BIM models provide us with the perfect basis for more sustainable planning and construction, as they already contain much of the necessary data for life cycle assessment. There are also already a number of approaches and tools on the market that use this data and link it to external databases (e.g. ÖKOBAUDAT (oekobaudat.de)) in order to enable the necessary calculations - nevertheless, the approach via Forge is certainly interesting for many people who are involved in web development:

With this in mind - Happy New Year!

  1. Happy New Year to you too. Great pictures!
    The topic of sustainability/ life cycle assessment will also be a top issue for me.

  2. Very interesting topic! This would also be a good topic for a keynote speech for our students, even virtually. Are you interested?

    Best regards

    Gerd Maurer
    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    TH Deggendorf

  3. Hi Lejla,
    beautiful photos - thanks for sharing! Wishing you a Happy New Year too!

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