parameters or the properties in a BIM model are the I in BIM - so it is also very important to use them correctly.
Revit has several different parameter types:
System or built-in parameters
These parameters are stored in the program code and cannot be deleted or changed. Depending on the Revit language, the parameter names of the system parameters are also automatically translated when the program is opened.
In addition, these parameters are automatically mapped to the IFC standard properties, e.g. during IFC export.
System parameters can be either project or family parameters and can of course be defined as either copy or type parameters - Lejla already defined these some time ago. in this article describe.
Of course, there are not enough system parameters and new parameters have to be created regularly. Whether project / family / copy or type, we are always confronted with the same choice:
User-specific standard parameters
The standard selection (project or family parameters) is faster / easier to define, but also very limited in use, as these parameters:
- cannot be used in component lists or labeling
- it cannot be guaranteed that parameters with the same name are actually recognized by Revit as the same parameters (since Revit only evaluates the GUIDs and not the parameter names)
Shared parameters
The shared parameters, on the other hand, are managed in a separate text file that is not created manually, but via the Manage > Project parameters may be processed:
Important: All of the parameter properties selected here are available after the parameter no longer editable.
However, it is possible to rename the groups, the actual text file or switch between different text files at any time.
The parameters created in this way can then be evaluated in the component lists and used in labeling families. Revit also recognizes that the parameter is one and the same parameter, regardless of the level (project, family) at which it was assigned, as its GUID is stored in the text file.
In practice, the shared parameters are often given a prefix so that they are easier to recognize.
Are the shared parameters also mapped to the IFC standard properties during the IFC export? Or is it better to load relevant parameters into the IFC export via a text file?
Many thanks in advance
Hello Andrea,
Basically, parameter mapping in IFC export does not necessarily have anything to do with whether a parameter is shared or not.
Is there a way to reset a system parameter (indicator) of several components to "default"?