green and yellow printed textile

Export Revit type parameters to IFC

In the latest versions of the Revit IFC Exporter, there have been some changes that lead to a different behavior when exporting Revit type parameters.

In IFC - as in Revit - there are types and instances for most entities. In the past, the Revit IFC Exporter "forgave" an incorrect assignment in the configuration files, but due to various adjustments and general improvements to the IFC Exporter, this is no longer possible in newer versions, which means that the following must be observed in the configuration file for user-defined property sets (DefaultUserDefinedParameterSets.txt):

For the export of type parameters, it is no longer sufficient to specify the IFC class, e.g. IfcElement or IfcWall, but is mandatory to specify the type (e.g. IfcElementType or IfcWallType).

Attention: Unfortunately, doors and windows do not have types in IFC 2×3, but styles, which is why IfcDoorStyle or IfcWindowStyle must be specified here.
In IFC 4, on the other hand, IfcDoorType or IfcWindowType is used.

Here is an example:

Line 1:
Test = Name of my property set
T = actually stands for I (instance or copy) or T (type), but no longer has any functionality, but must be specified for the time being. Important: Regardless of this specification, both instance and type properties can be specified in the same property set
IfcWall, IfcWallType, IfcDoor, IfcDoorStyle = List of entities to which the property set is assigned

Line 2:
Test property: Name of the property in IFC
Text: Data type (should be the same in Revit and IFC)
Optional: in the third column, the name of the Revit property can be specified if it is not the same as in the IFC

Result: The property set is created on all walls and doors and filled with the specified specimen and type properties.


IfcElement or IfcElementType creates the property set on all visible elements, this can be restricted by specifying IfcBuildingElement or an explicit entity and different entities can also be specified separated by ,:

The corresponding setting and the link to the configuration file can be found here:

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