A new version of the Autodesk Data Connector for Power BI has been published yesterday (version 2.09, see AppStore).
Today we will have a look at how we can evaluate the Villa LEGO Data Exchange from yesterday's post there - and even combine it with additional data from an Excel file. In this post you will find detailed instructions on how to use the Data Connector for Power BI, so today we will skip a few steps and start with the prepared dashboard:
As mentioned in the last article, the model properties can be evaluated using the Power BI functions and visuals - but how do we integrate other data sources? In my case, I have an Excel table showing cost per brick. This data can also be imported into Power BI.
The Excel table then appears in Power BI on the right-hand side in the Data tab and can be used in the same way as the Data Exchange to populate the visuals
In the final step, the data sources are linked together so that all visuals and the viewer adapt dynamically when certain values are selected. To accomplish this, it is important that both data sources have a common denominator - in this case it is the LEGO ID, which is present in both Excel and the model.
Both data sources are displayed next to each other in the model view and the corresponding values can be connected through Drag and drop . Here, different types of relationships can be defined - however, the default setting covers most cases:
I would be very interested to hear what data you would analyze with this method - please leave a comment!