In addition to the KPMG Global Construction Surveywhich I reported on last week, PwC also recently published a interesting study and even took a detailed look at the German construction industry. As part of the study, 100 construction companies, plant manufacturers and planners & designers were asked about their experiences with BIM.
It turned out that although half of the companies surveyed are already working with BIM, only around 20% have a BIM strategy. However, in order to derive the greatest possible benefit from the BIM process, it is crucial to develop a clear strategy as early as possible and to take all stakeholders into account.
We have all heard that BIM is a new working method and not just new software - yet in practice it is often expected that BIM implementation is complete after the software purchase and 1-2 training sessions. However, the real issue of digital transformation, namely reviewing and adapting the old workflows, is often ignored, which reduces the expected increase in productivity - or even prevents it from happening at all.
It is also interesting to note that 60% of respondents have been involved in tenders in the last 12 months where BIM, 3D printing, cloud technology or 3D laser scanning were explicitly required. These points will certainly be increasingly found in tenders in the near future, so it is more important than ever to keep up to date and implement new technologies in order to remain competitive. After all, 80% of the companies surveyed have already recognized this and will use BIM in the next few years, with a rough increase in turnover of around 10% expected.
Direct link to the study (PDF)