An interesting and descriptive statement by Patrick MacLeamy, CEO of HOK (US planning company with an international field of activity, more at ) on BIM and the logical conclusions for the entire life cycle of a building.

The inspiring thing about international BIM specialists is that they no longer have to deal with the fundamental question of whether BIM is forward-looking or not
(as this is no longer a question in the USA, for example), but how to get the most out of it.

According to Patrick MacLeamy, for $1 planning costs (BIM) of a building, the production costs are $20 (BAM - Building Assembly Model) and the operating costs over the life of the building are $60 (BOOM - Building Operation Optimization Model). This example clearly shows that the BIM approach will become increasingly important in the future, not only in the planning and construction phase, but also in the area of building management in particular.

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