Formulas in the Revit family editor

You probably know that using formulas in the Revit family editor can add intelligence to your families - but do you know what you can do with formulas?
I stumbled across my "cheat sheet" of examples earlier, which I am happy to share with you:

Mathematical calculations:

Area = width * length
Number of segments = length / segment length
c = sqrt(a*a+b*b) (sqrt = square root)


Revit family editor formulas



if(number < 2, THEN condition, OTHER condition)
not(ParameterA) - boolean value, very useful for visibility parameters, returns true value for the parameter if ParameterA has a false value

Revit family editor formulas2



You can also round all values directly in the family editor:

round(x) - rounds to the nearest integer without taking the sign into account.

roundup(x) - rounds to the next higher integer

rounddown(x) - rounds to the next lower integer


Of course, there is much more possible - if you can think of another cool tip, then post it in the comments! 🙂

Have fun planning your family! 😉

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