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59 posts
Ops, I did it again – it seems I emptied my C:\Autodesk folder without copying it before to…
21. January 2019
Why “Save as previous version” doesn’t work for Revit projects
“Can I save my Revit project for an older version” is the probably one of the most asked…
26. July 2018
Revit IFC Manual
The Revit IFC Manual in English is live – download it from the official Autodesk interoperability hub: Do…
13. July 2018
Go BIG with Revit and Photoshop
As you may now, I’m a big fan of nice architectural presentations – who ever said a BIM…
25. May 2018
Insider Tip for all Revit and BIM enthusiasts: That BIM Girl Youtube Channel!
There are probably very few things you can think of and for which you won’t find a Youtube…
8. May 2018
Revit Bibliotheken nachträglich laden
Bei der Installation von Revit können verschiedene Bibliotheken gewählt werden, die beim Installationsprozess heruntergeladen und bereitgestellt werden. Falls…
2. March 2018