Wrap-up RTC EUR 2015

If you have been following my blog, you may already know that I'm a huge fan of the Revit Technology Conference from the very first day!

I was very lucky to be able to attend the inaugural RTC in Delft (2013), the one in Dublin (2014) and this year again in Budapest. All I can say, it's definitely one of my favorite events as Revit user!


So, what's so special about the RTC? You get to know the nerdiest nerds and the craziest Reviteers ever! 🙂 Seeing that the conference is not too big (300-350 attendees) you really get the chance to talk to everyone, including the speakers and the VIPs!
Many of the attendees are just like me huge RTC fans and have been attending the previous RTCs as well. It's just lovely to meet everyone each year again and to learn from each other!

The amount of stuff you learn is really incredible and you definitely need a while to digest everything. However, here are three (fun) things which I learnt at the RTC:

  • The DynamoCLI allows you to run Dynamo headless. Perfect for creating batch files! (A.Dieckmann)
  • Write a script, run it, grab a coffee, watch the screen and be amazed! (H.Vasshaug)
  • How do you teach Dynamo in your company? I just tell them "go talk to patient Zero" 🙂 (J.Benoit) - the essence of this is: forget long trainings, you can learn Dynamo only by trial and error!

Now you maybe wondering whether I visited any non-Dynamo classes as well? Indeed I did, and I'll try to summarize the most interesting stuff in my next posts!

If you are interested in more details about the RTC; you can find a lot of photos (as well as interviews and other stuff) at BIMcrunch and a lot of Tweets under the Hasthag #RTCEUR!

I was very happy that Autodesk had a cool booth this time and that I could be a part of it! Here are some of my snapshots from these 3 awesome days:

You can find all official information about the RTC at: http://www.rtcevents.com

CU in Porto 2016? Hope so 😉 


This is an English repost of my German Wrap-Up posted last week! 

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