Online BIM magazines


Unfortunately, there is still very little literature on the subject of BIM, especially on the German-speaking market, let alone specialist magazines. Of course, there are more and more blogs that deal with the topic of BIM, but these are mostly run by private users. However, the English-speaking part of the WWW offers a range of official magazines and specialist articles, which are often even available free of charge. Here is a brief overview (of course I am happy to receive any additions!):


AUGIworld - After a free registration on the international site of the Autodesk User Group you will get access to the member area where you can download the monthly issues of the AUGIworld magazine in PDF format. The articles are mainly about Autodesk products and have a strong practical focus.


AECMagazine - is published in the UK and can be downloaded free of charge in PDF format after registration.


JBIM - The semi-annual magazines published by the National BIM Standard (NBIMS) and National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) deal with general topics relating to BIM and BIM standards in the USA, which is also of interest to us. The magazines can be downloaded free of charge and without registration in PDF format.


BIM Journal - Online magazine with monthly newsletters, which is also published by the bulidingSMART is supported.


Building - the leading UK magazine for the construction sector regularly features articles on BIM-related topics and even has its own sub-page with BIM news. The online articles are free, the full issue can also be subscribed to digitally and also comes with an app for the smartphone / tablet.


Smart Market Reports - The reports published by McGraw Hill are updated every few years and do not focus exclusively on the American market, but also deal with global issues relating to construction and BIM. The current edition is the Business Value of BIM in North America (2012), but also worth mentioning is The Business Value of BIM in Europe (2010) Getting Building Information Modeling to the Bottom Line in the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

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