You may be wondering why it has become so quiet here.
Well, I have two new friends with whom I spend a lot of time:
Uschi and Brigitte live in our Virtual Reality Center of Excellence in Munich, where there's never a dull moment! 😉
You may already be familiar with our video, which gives you a little insight into the exciting work we do here:
Now things are getting even more exciting as my presentation has been accepted for AU 2017 in Las Vegas! The working title is (in true Trekkie style): Holodeck: VR for Construction
So it looks like I'll be spending a lot of time with Uschi and Brigitte this summer too! The year started relatively spontaneously for me with a VR assignment at BAU in January, but VR has since become one of my main topics. I don't think many of us really realized a year ago what role virtual reality would soon play in the AEC industry. I am very happy to be involved in this topic and to have the opportunity to work with the absolute Autodesk champions in this field!
It's definitely a very exciting and rapidly growing area that I will definitely be blogging about more often in the near future - both here and on the Autodesk BIM Blog. But first we'll hopefully hear from you next Tuesday at the Immersive Visualization Webinar - I'm preparing a few exciting things for you about Revit / LIVE / Stingray / 3ds Max.
Have a nice weekend, and BIM you up! 😉