Abbreviations are often used in the field of digital planning, most of which originate from English and are therefore not necessarily familiar to everyone. This page contains a list of the most common abbreviations:
ADT | Architectural Desktop, architecture-specific CAD software from Autodesk based on AutoCAD |
AEC | Architecture, Engineering and Construction |
API | Application Programming Interface (programming interface) |
BIM | Building Information Modeling |
CAD | Computer Aided Design - Computer-aided drawing, design & construction |
CAFM | Computer Aided Facility Management - Computer-aided administration and management of buildings |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing - computer-aided production through direct control of production facilities, machines, transportation and storage systems based on CAD data |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management - Customer Data Management |
DB | DataBase - Database |
DWF | Drawing Web Format [from Autodesk] - Data transfer format from Autodesk |
EDM | Electronic Data/Document Management = Electronic data/document management |
IAI | International Alliance for Interoperability |
IFC | Industry Foundation Classes - object-oriented, manufacturer-independent data exchange format |
GIS | Geographical Information Systems |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Cooling |
MEP | Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing - Building Services |
PDM | Product Data Management = Product Data Management |
PLM | Product Lifecycle Management = product lifecycle management |
PFI | Private Finance Initiative = privately financed initiative, often in infrastructure construction |
PPS | Production planning and control |
PPP | Public Private Partnership |
QTO | Quantity Take-Off = mass determination, also the name of the corresponding Autodesk program |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
SaaS | Software as a service, cloud-based software that only requires an internet connection and a browser to use |
SCM | Supply Chain Management |
SE | Simultaneous engineering |
VDC | Virtual Design and Construction |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language, a universal exchange format for data of all kinds |