BIM Europe - BIM Conference in Aarhus



Last week I had the honor to be one of the speakers at the BIM Europe conference held in Aarhus. It was a great event at the Arkitektskolen in Aarhus and all the lectures were very interesting and versatile:

  • Pierre Benning from Bouygues Construction gave as an impressive overview a of the building process and the BIM methods used for the Philharmonie of Paris as well as the Rocade L2 of Marceille
  • António Ruivo Meireles, CEO of ndBIM Virtual Building, presented us some very interesting BIM implementation powertips
  • Emilie Koch from MVRDV showed us a series of datascapes and explained how her office is using the data not only for the form finding process but also beyond
  • Dong Cui from Studio Fuksas presented the making of the Congress Centre in Rome and the International Airport in Shenzhen from sketch to BIM (yes, it was as fascinating as it sounds!)
  • Marius Sekse from COWI gave us an interesting and charming insight into the work of a landscape architect and the use of BIM in this field

Last but not least, I presented an overview of the BIM collabration methods and their implementation at Max Bögl as the second speaker on the panel. If you would like to view the final presentation, it has been published on



A special thanks goes to the organizers, who made our stay really great and also surprised all speakers with a present from the LEGO Architecture Series (which definitely qualifies them as the best organizers ever)! 🙂


We even got a little walthrough through the Architecture faculty and the workshops by Per Kortegaard, architecture and BIM professor in Aarhus - as an old instagrammer, I have a couple of pictures from my trip for you too of course:

10693561_1538534446384041_1699983692_n   1388908_778040808909368_688931111_n   10413038_1561831967371491_883187125_n

    1. Thank you! 🙂 Then you will certainly like the Topmodel-Prezi for the AU. Hope to see you there! 😉
      Greetings from the Upper Palatinate, Lejla

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