Architect's Next Topmodel - my presentation at the #AUD2014

In the BIM process, plans are often referred to as the by-product of the model - unfortunately, they often look like it. This is always a big problem, especially for architecture firms. We've all often heard that you can't create beautiful plans in Revit and that the program is completely unsuitable for execution and detailed planning anyway. But is that really the case?

Anyone who knows me knows that statements like "that's not possible" really challenge me - which is why I'm delighted to be able to give a presentation on these topics at this year's Autodesk University in Darmstadt! I myself remember my beginnings in Revit and know what a hurdle you face as a BIM newcomer when you - fresh from the basic training and full of pride that you have halfway bent your project with the Revit tools - derive the first plan...




The shock is inevitable if you have not had a good, professional project template created for your office in advance (which experience has shown is rarely the case).
Once you have finally got to grips with this issue, the next hurdle appears: Detailing. BIM means 3D, so we have to model everything in 3D? Wrong - 2D details are just as important and useful in BIM as they are in CAD planning. On this topic I have already written in the past.

My presentation is dedicated to these two topics and provides the necessary basic knowledge to build your own Revit template and shows a way to deal with the details.


If you have personal experience of these topics Problems or questions you can also send them to me in advance (preferably here in the comment field or via the Contact form) and I will try to take them into account during the presentation!


Autodesk University Germany in Darmstadt has developed into an important event in recent years and this year for the first time will be a two-day event (October 23-24). Click on the logo to go to the official event page:




The Agenda promises to be a very exciting event and I hope to see you there!

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